The company was established on November 14, 2007, is a collection of domestic container freight transport agents and related transport business in one logistics company. The company to door-to-door packing, yard packing and distribution, sea and land transport, railway transport, land transport and other ancillary transport services, won the unanimous praise of the majority of customers.
Since its establishment, the company has always taken "one-stop logistics service for customers" as its mission. To "become a logistics supplier in the Yangtze river basin" as the company's vision; With "to provide a safe, standard, continuously for customers personalized logistics solutions" as quality policy, to unity, forge ahead, with the strength of faith into the company development, success and FaErSheng group, double liang, china.greases, cofco, friends forever in jiangsu, super today in Inner Mongolia, guangdong, guangdong etc. The company has established good long-term business relationship. Achieve the outstanding achievement of "annual container output of more than 30,000 containers, total import and export of more than 50,000 boxes, highway bulk cargo of more than 50,000 tons, annual sales of more than 100 million yuan".
The company is located in jiangyin city, wuxi city, jiangsu province, China. At present, the company has advanced and complete transportation and communication facilities, as well as hardware and software facilities that freight forwarders should have. The company has 28 self-owned heavy container semi-trailers and 120 affiliated cooperative vehicles in jiangyin port. Long-term transport agreements and monthly statement agreements have been signed with major domestic shipping companies, and there are more than 5,000 vehicles in all coastal and riverside ports. The long-term cooperation automobile maintenance enterprise altogether 5. Respectively in nantong, yingkou has offices, personnel and facilities are fully equipped. There are a total of 15 warehouses in jiangyin, guangzhou, dongguan, jiangmen, yibin, chongqing, chengdu, luzhou, xiamen, kunming, nantong, yingkou, jinzhou and other places. Among them, there are independent operation stations with an area of more than 10,000 square meters at the junction of piling road and sugang road in jiangyin, which can be used for warehousing, parking, disassembly and packing services. According to GB/ t19001-2008 standard, the company has established a sound quality management system in combination with the product characteristics of the company and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. The company has worked as a freight forwarder for many years and established a logistics operating system based on cloud storage to monitor the status of goods in real time. I have a competent staff team with high quality, professional skills, strong sense of responsibility and high work efficiency. I am also familiar with policies and regulations related to the business and have good public relations with various units of the port. All of these have laid a solid foundation for our customers to provide excellent services. Air freight forwarders, acting as agents of the international air transport association (IATA), may issue air waybills to their customers in the name of the airlines of the association to which they have chosen to carry their customers' goods. The air waybill issued by it shall be binding on the airline without question. Since such a system has been established throughout the air cargo transportation industry, it is inevitable for a single airline to recognize the double agency
In addition, the scope of nvocc's business has been covered by the freight forwarding industry with a history of several hundred years, so there is no legal necessity to create this narrow concept. This concept is also inconsistent with the commitments made by the Chinese government (the timetable for the opening of the freight forwarding industry). The criteria to be applied by a foreign forwarder to its entry into the Chinese market (whether as a forwarder or as a nvocc; I am at a loss as to whether to apply to the ministry of commerce or the ministry of communications. At the same time, the emergence of this concept will make it more difficult for China's nvoccs to enter the international market, because it is a completely different legal concept in the country they want to enter.本公司成立于2007年11月14日,是一家集国内集装箱货运代理及相关运输业务于一体的物流公司。公司以门到门包装、堆场包装及配送、海陆运输、铁路运输、陆路运输等配套运输服务,赢得了广大客户的一致好评。
公司位于中国江苏省无锡市江阴市。目前,公司拥有先进、完善的运输和通讯设施,以及货运代理应具备的软硬件设施。公司在江阴港拥有28辆自用重型集装箱半挂车和120辆附属合作用车。与国内各大航运公司签订了长期运输协议和月度对账单协议,所有沿海和沿江港口均有5000多辆车辆。长期合作的汽车维修企业共有5家。分别在南通、营口设有办事处,人员和设施齐全。在江阴、广州、东莞、江门、宜宾、重庆、成都、泸州、厦门、昆明、南通、营口、锦州等地共有15个仓库。其中,江阴打桩路与苏岗路交汇处有独立的作业站,占地面积10000多平方米,可提供仓储、停车、拆装、包装等服务。公司根据GB/ t19001-2008标准,结合公司产品特点和相关法律法规的要求,建立了完善的质量管理体系。公司从事货运代理多年,建立了基于云存储的物流操作系统,实时监控货物状态。我拥有一支高素质、专业技能强、责任心强、工作效率高的员工队伍。熟悉业务相关政策法规,与港口各单位有着良好的公共关系。为客户提供优质的服务奠定了坚实的基础。航空货运代理作为国际航空运输协会(IATA)的代理,可以以其选择的运输客户货物的协会航空公司的名义向客户签发航空运单。其签发的航空运单对航空公司具有约束力。由于这一制度已在整个航空货运行业建立起来,单一航空公司承认双重代理是不可避免的
- 为深圳、广州、香港等各地机场向世界各地提供航空和海运服务,主要优势为亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲、大洋洲。
- 船舶集装箱专业致力于二手制冷冷冻,冷藏集装箱具有良好的隔热性能,并能保持低温要求,适用于各种特殊集装箱。易腐食品冷藏集装箱的运输和储存采用镀锌钢结构,墙体、地板、屋面和门采用金属复合板、铝板、不锈钢板或聚酯制造。
- 但是我们的服务很好,广州报关行!我们拥有一支专业的服务团队,从销售人员、客户服务到运营部门、客户服务的每一个环节,我们的同事都会给您贴心的服务,再加上十多年的发展,实力子快让大家看到。
- 我们可以承接各种商品的报关、五金、鞋类、服装、箱包、食品、化妆品等。
- 货代在装货时,应派人到现场监督装货,做好现场记录,掌握进度,及时处理事故,以维护货主的利益,保证装货质量。。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 青岛斯威特国际物流承担国内贸易海运业务,主要经营从北部地区到沿海港口的集装箱门到内河驳船和卡车(拖车)运输;
- 国际货运,报关,商检,仓储,货物运输,外汇结算等一站式专业高效的服务。
- 集装箱运输可以将不同托运人的小票货物在同一装卸港拼装,享受包装费率。。
- 进口货物到达港口后,由货物代理人负责港口的交接工作。同时,要配合港口理货人员根据提单卸货理货。严禁混卸。卸货也应按提单和唛头单独堆放。
- 香港、台湾、日本等国际航空运输企业,拥有庞大的服务网络,
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 活动板房以及豪华住人集装箱制造、海运集装箱出租、出售、改装等。
- 可长期订做各种豪华集装箱移动别墅、集装箱办公室、特种设备箱、集装箱舞台、农家乐集装箱组合房,住人集装箱,集装箱店铺,创意集装箱咖啡厅,集装箱组合办公室。