Marine cargo tracking is a tracking method based on real-time positioning and dynamic query for container cargo of ships in Marine transportation and inland river transportation. Traditional container shipping logistics goods tracking requires freight forwarders, shipping agents or shippers to obtain real-time location, entry and exit status, clearance status and other information of container shipping ships and goods through offline consultation or a single website query.
With the accelerated development of the mobile Internet in the past two years, cloud computing, big data, Internet of things and other new technologies are more quickly integrated into the traditional industry, so is the container shipping logistics industry. Using the idea of "Internet +", didi has actively combined the Internet with logistics and launched global ship tracking, container tracking and data exchange platform with the satellite positioning system. Marine cargo tracking becomes more transparent, visual and standardized. Achieve the owner, freight forwarder, fleet tracking information comprehensive network seamless docking. Based on ship positioning, vehicle APP positioning technology, use the Internet network technology, the latest goods, pick up the goods warehouse, container shipping logistics set card vehicles, customs declaration, the port of shipment, container ship, the port of destination, after the process of container car, receiving warehouse seamless integration, implementation by sea to the line all-the-way tracking management services, and through the PC client, mobile client be equivalent to a salesman, the owner, the investor for the connection of the most timely.
. However, article 7 of the newly promulgated regulations of the People's Republic of China on international maritime transport stipulates that anyone operating a non-vessel shipping business shall register the bill of lading with the competent department of transportation under the state council (namely the ministry of communications) and pay the security deposit. The issuance of bills of lading to customers in their own name is the basic element of nvocc business. Therefore, the registration of bills of lading with the transportation department under the state council (namely the ministry of communications) has become a prerequisite for nvocc business.
However, as mentioned above, from the perspective of international shipping practice, nvocc has already been included in freight forwarding services and multimodal transport services. The introduction of the concept of nvocc and nvocc into China's legal system can only cause overlap and confusion in the administrative management of this industry. From the perspective of international shipping practice, the legal concept of nvocc is unique to American law and incompatible with international shipping practice.
In addition, the scope of nvocc's business has been covered by the freight forwarding industry with a history of several hundred years, so there is no legal necessity to create this narrow concept. This concept is also inconsistent with the commitments made by the Chinese government (the timetable for the opening of the freight forwarding industry). The criteria to be applied by a foreign forwarder to its entry into the Chinese market (whether as a forwarder or as a nvocc; I am at a loss as to whether to apply to the ministry of commerce or the ministry of communications. At the same time, the emergence of this concept will make it more difficult for China's nvoccs to enter the international market, because it is a completely different legal concept in the country they want to enter. In conclusion, freight forwarding has not emerged as a purely legal concept. After hundreds of years of development, freight forwarding has become a legitimate and complete industry, its unique legal nature and legal characteristics have been recognized by the international transport industry and related industries. The gap between industry practice and law should be narrowed, not widened: it is doubtful that the legal system would be complicated by the need to separate part of the business (non-vessel-carrying) from freight forwarding. In fact, the correct approach is to establish a unified system of administrative laws and regulations on the freight forwarding industry, rather than artificially create new legal concepts to divide the freight forwarding industry, resulting in the overlapping division of administrative management.海上货物跟踪是一种基于船舶集装箱货物在海上运输和内河运输中的实时定位和动态查询的跟踪方法。传统的集装箱运输物流货物跟踪要求货代、船代或托运人通过线下咨询或单一网站查询,获取集装箱运输船舶和货物的实时位置、出入口状态、清关状态等信息。
- 为深圳、广州、香港等各地机场向世界各地提供航空和海运服务,主要优势为亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲、大洋洲。
- 船舶集装箱专业致力于二手制冷冷冻,冷藏集装箱具有良好的隔热性能,并能保持低温要求,适用于各种特殊集装箱。易腐食品冷藏集装箱的运输和储存采用镀锌钢结构,墙体、地板、屋面和门采用金属复合板、铝板、不锈钢板或聚酯制造。
- 但是我们的服务很好,广州报关行!我们拥有一支专业的服务团队,从销售人员、客户服务到运营部门、客户服务的每一个环节,我们的同事都会给您贴心的服务,再加上十多年的发展,实力子快让大家看到。
- 我们可以承接各种商品的报关、五金、鞋类、服装、箱包、食品、化妆品等。
- 货代在装货时,应派人到现场监督装货,做好现场记录,掌握进度,及时处理事故,以维护货主的利益,保证装货质量。。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 青岛斯威特国际物流承担国内贸易海运业务,主要经营从北部地区到沿海港口的集装箱门到内河驳船和卡车(拖车)运输;
- 国际货运,报关,商检,仓储,货物运输,外汇结算等一站式专业高效的服务。
- 集装箱运输可以将不同托运人的小票货物在同一装卸港拼装,享受包装费率。。
- 进口货物到达港口后,由货物代理人负责港口的交接工作。同时,要配合港口理货人员根据提单卸货理货。严禁混卸。卸货也应按提单和唛头单独堆放。
- 香港、台湾、日本等国际航空运输企业,拥有庞大的服务网络,
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 活动板房以及豪华住人集装箱制造、海运集装箱出租、出售、改装等。
- 可长期订做各种豪华集装箱移动别墅、集装箱办公室、特种设备箱、集装箱舞台、农家乐集装箱组合房,住人集装箱,集装箱店铺,创意集装箱咖啡厅,集装箱组合办公室。