Is a professional engaged in the national road transport, domestic shipping, domestic air transport, guangzhou warehousing and distribution of modern logistics companies, with perfect logistics transport and distribution experience and integration of third-party logistics companies. Professional undertake pearl river delta and other surrounding areas of vehicle transport, transport, sea and air freight. The company is established in the pearl river delta core (guangzhou), guangzhou logistics company, guangzhou freight company business covers food, building materials, food and beverage, waterproof materials, large machinery and equipment, furniture, hardware and other industries. Boao logistics guangzhou logistics company is a new logistics supply chain management co., LTD., registered capital of 5 million, the scope of business includes road freight transport; Special transportation of goods (refrigerated and fresh); Supply chain management; Handling; Road freight transport agent; International freight forwarders; Logistics agency service; Warehousing agency services; Other warehousing industries. Since its inception, the company has been adhering to the "integrity, safety, fast" concept of transport, and adhere to the concept of logistics innovation for development, is committed to helping small and medium-sized enterprises to solve the problem of logistics delivery difficult, expensive, logistics more convenient. An international forwarding agent engaged in international forwarding business as an independent operator refers to the act of an international forwarding agent accepting the entrustment of the consignee, consignor or its agent in and out of goods, issuing transport documents, performing transport contracts and collecting freight and service charges.
Freight forwarding industry in the international freight market, between the shipper and the carrier, accept the shipper, commissioned, chartering, booking, stowage, the preparation of relevant documents, customs declaration, inspection, insurance, container transport, unpacking, issuing bills of lading, settlement of freight and miscellaneous fees, and even the presentation of documents for negotiation and settlement of foreign exchange. These work contact the surface is wide, the link is many, is the international trade freight service quite multiftywork relative centralized processing, coordinates, plans as a whole, straightening out the relations, enhances its specialized, the technicality and the policy.
The formation of international freight forwarding industry is the inevitable product of international commodity circulation process and an indispensable part of international trade. For this reason, the industry is recognized as the freight forwarder of international trade enterprises by all countries in the world. He named him FORWARDERS and launched an international organisation, FIATA, or "FIATA" in short. Its members has grown to more than 130 countries and regions, international freight forwarder has more than 3500, staff has reached more than 800, ten thousand, in Shanghai, guangzhou, tianjin, Qingdao, dalian, jiangsu, shenzhen set up [1], the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation are preparing China association of international shipping agent, will lead the association, and it is a member of international organization.
5. The first-level freight forwarder can directly book space from the shipping company, but it is not necessarily qualified to book space. Many shipping companies only designate a few freight forwarders as the hatch booking. So it's not like level one is what's going on. Most of the first class can only be limited to a few shipping companies have the right to book space.
6, a freight forwarder has the right to book the space is not necessarily a good price and service, there are many cases, the freight forwarder booking through him to book the space instead of the forwarder (other first or second) to get the price and space.
7, very normal, call forwarding is not to say that all the affiliated no strength, so don't just listen to that of call forwarding is how wear, of course, if you are attached, don't say we preached, is the level where the office is affiliated, is linked, and ah, what is our level is the level does not necessarily is capable of, but the secondary also don't think you have a little relationship to how wear what, ha ha, understand the owner is more about whether you fit their own forwarder.
8, port (Shanghai, ningbo) freight forwarder is not necessarily a generation, more than 90% of the port freight forwarder is not the right to book space freight forwarder or two generations, so do not think that the port freight forwarder how to wear how to wear the good.是一家专业从事全国公路运输、国内海运、国内航空运输、广州仓储配送的现代化物流公司,具有完善的物流运输配送经验和一体化的第三方物流公司。专业承接珠江三角洲及周边地区的汽车运输、海运、空运。本公司成立于珠江三角洲核心(广州),广州物流公司、广州货运公司业务涵盖食品、建材、食品饮料、防水材料、大型机械设备、家具、五金等行业。广州博鳌物流有限公司是一家新兴的物流供应链管理有限公司,注册资金500万,经营范围包括公路货运;货物特殊运输(冷藏、保鲜);供应链管理;处理;公路货运代理;国际货运代理;物流代理服务;仓储代理服务;其他仓储行业。公司自成立以来,一直秉承“诚信、安全、快捷”的运输理念,并坚持以物流创新求发展的理念,致力于帮助中小企业解决物流配送难、配送贵、物流更便捷的问题。独立经营国际货运业务的国际货运代理,是指国际货运代理接受收发货人或者其代理人的委托,进出货物,签发运输单证,履行运输合同,收取运费、服务费的行为。
5. 一级货代可以直接向船公司订舱,但不一定有资格订舱。很多船公司只指定少数的货运代理作为舱位预订。所以这不是第一级。大多数头等舱只能限制少数几家船公司有订舱位的权利。
- 为深圳、广州、香港等各地机场向世界各地提供航空和海运服务,主要优势为亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲、大洋洲。
- 船舶集装箱专业致力于二手制冷冷冻,冷藏集装箱具有良好的隔热性能,并能保持低温要求,适用于各种特殊集装箱。易腐食品冷藏集装箱的运输和储存采用镀锌钢结构,墙体、地板、屋面和门采用金属复合板、铝板、不锈钢板或聚酯制造。
- 但是我们的服务很好,广州报关行!我们拥有一支专业的服务团队,从销售人员、客户服务到运营部门、客户服务的每一个环节,我们的同事都会给您贴心的服务,再加上十多年的发展,实力子快让大家看到。
- 我们可以承接各种商品的报关、五金、鞋类、服装、箱包、食品、化妆品等。
- 货代在装货时,应派人到现场监督装货,做好现场记录,掌握进度,及时处理事故,以维护货主的利益,保证装货质量。。
- 有着丰富的网络资源。可以处理来自或者到达世界大部分国家和地区的各种条款货物。
- 青岛斯威特国际物流承担国内贸易海运业务,主要经营从北部地区到沿海港口的集装箱门到内河驳船和卡车(拖车)运输;
- 国际货运,报关,商检,仓储,货物运输,外汇结算等一站式专业高效的服务。
- 集装箱运输可以将不同托运人的小票货物在同一装卸港拼装,享受包装费率。。
- 进口货物到达港口后,由货物代理人负责港口的交接工作。同时,要配合港口理货人员根据提单卸货理货。严禁混卸。卸货也应按提单和唛头单独堆放。
- 香港、台湾、日本等国际航空运输企业,拥有庞大的服务网络,
- 国外工厂提货、出口订舱、报关、运输
- 活动板房以及豪华住人集装箱制造、海运集装箱出租、出售、改装等。
- 可长期订做各种豪华集装箱移动别墅、集装箱办公室、特种设备箱、集装箱舞台、农家乐集装箱组合房,住人集装箱,集装箱店铺,创意集装箱咖啡厅,集装箱组合办公室。